Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Sprint #5 Delivery

For this turn in I replaced my old fog media player textures with a more dynamic fog floor material with panning textures and waves, as well as fog particle systems that populate the scene. I also created a new simulation of the grate using the new model, but it's still a WIP as getting the new mesh and texture to work with the simulation properly was more tricky than expected.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Sprint #4 Delivery

For this sprint, I took Chris's feedback into account and tried to have the grate destruction simulation leave metal remnants behind. I also tried to have the hits to the metal be more in sync with the stomping animation. Also trying to figure out the best way to export and import the simulation from houdini to unreal was interesting, but I settled on an approach utilizing Vertex Animation Textures. All that is left is incorporating the actual grate into the sim, and hooking it up to the level blueprint.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Sprint #3 Delivery

For this sprint I primarily completed setting up a realistic metal bending simulation for the grate breaking sequence in the ending. This will allow us to export the simulation as a VAT - which are very performant, into the level blueprint in-engine. This could also be used in other areas of the level to demonstrate wear-and-tear into geometry or if we want to bend/break/destroy any other metal (like the door). I also troubleshot the smoke FX, and finalized the lightning VFX by reintroducing the original light flash.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Sprint #2 Delivery

For this sprint I polished my lightning FX. I created spline tools for 3d artists to use around the environment for pipes and cables. And I setup fog cards to add to the atmosphere.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Anthony Monteagudo - CYBERSTEIN Summer Sprint #1 Delivery

For this sprint I am polishing the lightning VFX using Niagra and Houdini. I've been utilizing advanced Houdini techniques such as VATs and setting up destruction for debris (will be useful for future destruction simulations!).

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Sprint #7 Delivery

For this turn-in I finished the lightning effect that triggers upon the pressing of the switch button, as well as a rain effect that is displayed on the windows of the building to signify that it is raining outside. I hooked up the lightning to ryan's switch_bp with his help, and I provided audio for both the lightning crack and the rain ambience. The lightning also manipulates the exposure of the post processing to flash upon appearance, as well as leaving the room darker after the sequence.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Sprint #6 Delivery

For this sprint, I shared the vfx work with Heather. We decided that I would take the lightning VFX, so I worked on those, and they are almost complete. They just need to be touched up and implemented into the game. I also helped Heather and did research for other VFX, and helped Ryan with implementing set driven keys and custom attributes to improve his animation workflow.

Sprint #5 Delivery

For this turn in I replaced my old fog media player textures with a more dynamic fog floor material with panning textures and waves, as well...