Monday, February 28, 2022

Sprint #4 Delivery, Asset/Feature Complete

This sprint I fixed the rowing so you can only move when grabbing the oars. I also set up Pascal to color change according to his mood and provided the current Animation State Machine, with Thomas's help with changing Pascal's material and West's help with the state machine's flow.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Sprint #3 Delivery, Sound & VFX

For this sprint I worked on the Pascal Rig and implemented advanced rigging features such as Spline Spine and IK Arms, Legs and Feet with Toe & Foot Roll.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Sprint #2 Delivery, Beginning/Middle/End Part II

This week, I setup the oars with a physics component, so they stay in place in the boat rings, and can be affected by physics. They also respawn at the rings when dropped. Now the player can only move when grabbing both oars. The "rowing" isn't quite working as intended, the VR grab component overrides the physics component, so I need to find a way around that. Also object movement along the spline is working, but not for VR pawn, so that will need to be integrated as the movement is only along the Y axis currently.

Sprint #5 Delivery

For this turn in I replaced my old fog media player textures with a more dynamic fog floor material with panning textures and waves, as well...